Attending everything this semester online has been nothing short of difficult moments. Between overcoming daily challenges sparked by the pandemic, the February winter storm in Texas, and other personal life challenges, college students today have gone through so much more than what they would expect to go through during their college experience. As Zoom University drags on for another semester, students have now become adapted to the current format of school, but at the same time, they lack the same motivation and interest in their courses compared to in-person experiences.
With the pandemic, it feels as though a lot of college is “college without the fun” or college with limited social experiences and interactions. Classes are almost completely virtual, and it is very difficult to connect with classmates on a virtual platform compared to seeing them face to face in a room. Meetings for organizations are held almost completely online, and college students are in the last group to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. It has not been easy, to say the least, for many students who want to finish the semester strong given all of the circumstances. Zoom fatigue and academic burnout has become more and more common, and all excitement for a new semester has gone away due to things feeling old and routine.. However, it has been very encouraging to see others push through difficult times and remain positive no matter what the circumstances are. I believe that maintaining a positive attitude towards the Spring 2021 semester is so important, and there has been so much growth happening for each individual student.
Several solutions which I have implemented in my own life to help with Zoom fatigue include using other platforms to talk to others such as FaceTime or just over the phone, sending emails, and sending instant messages. I also try to limit my time on calls to being as efficient as possible, and I set designated times during the day to call others while focusing on my daily task at other times. I also try not to call at all during the weekends and have “Zoom free weekends” to help with energy levels, organization, and being able to give my 100% during the week.
Even though this semester will be my last semester in college, I have been so grateful for the ups and downs. There have been many moments of laughter and joy that I experienced with some of my closest friends and family, and there have also been moments in which I have felt deep sad and in constant tears. Nonetheless, I believe that each moment is special and is purposeful in my life. I am proud to see how college students around me have grown and the success that we have all achieved during an unprecedented time.