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Making Your Room a Haven

Gloria Akinnibosun

A haven is a place of safety or refuge. It’s where you feel the most centered and charged. This is a guide to help you find the perfect tone, colors, and vibe for your bedroom to feel more like home. It’s time to make your zone an embracement of who you are!

Identify your Aura

Honestly, the first step to channeling your personality into four walls is to first channel your aura. Your aura is an invisible emanation or field of energy that radiates from you. Your room says a lot about who you are and the kind of environment you want for yourself. Are you a peaceful and serene type? Or do you love a busy atmosphere? Do you enjoy a contrast of the two? These are just a few of the many questions you could ask yourself to better develop the vibe your bedroom will have. Identify your energy and plaster it around you.

Personality Palette

Something I like to call the “personality palette” is essentially a method of finding out the colors that best suit your character. Are you keen on greenery and naturistic elements, or do you have more of a modern muse taste? HGTV has the perfect bedroom personality quiz wrapped up in a short and simple questionnaire to answer this wide range of questions and to help solidify your style and the ideal hues to elevate your entire haven experience.

Tap into your Artistry

Believe it or not, a lot of what makes us the uniquely creative individuals that we are and have the potential to be is our mindset and the type of consumption we give our time to. You have to surround yourself with positive thinking that promotes your psychological health and well-being. Ways to do this include: wall art, positive and affirmative quotes, succulents, warm or neon LED lights, tapestries, and the list goes on. These minute things can influence our positivity on a daily basis and encourage us to share the energy as well. Never think small. Wall art could be your own creations, store-bought flair, or even your favorite artists and/or their lovely vinyls.

Always remember: it’s your room! You can take any direction you love into transforming the four white blank walls you’re given into a completely personalized canvas. The beautiful thing about making your room a haven is you’ll always feel like you’ve truly dedicated the time & effort to ensure that you feel closer to who you are. There are so many ways you can jazz up your space and be creative while doing so. What does your room say about you?

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