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If you can see HER, you can be HER - Q&A with the founder of Energy Umbrella

How did you come up with the idea for your business?

As a fellow in the Ideator fellowship at the Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab, I was pushed to identify issues facing the people I care about in order to find a solution for an issue I was passionate about solving. It was then that I remembered how my family in India was personally impacted by power failures that happen on a daily basis.

As I conducted research and beneficiary interviews, I realized there was a lack of renewable products that could serve as a form of back-up power during power outages available mainstream for consumers. Thus, I began to think about how I could design a solar product that could fit into their lives to be a reliable source of power during outages that isn’t attached to the electric grid. That was when the Energy Umbrella was born!

What does the average day look like for you now as an entrepreneur (especially compared to past jobs/days)?

Every day looks different based on what needs to be done. Sometimes that’s meeting with mentors or professionals to get feedback on the idea and work on next steps, sometimes it’s iterating the CAD or calculating energy outputs to technically develop the product, and other times it’s preparing material or practicing for a pitch competition.

What are some of the top things you have learned so far?

Pivoting and failing are normal and important! It’s basically impossible to get it right on the first try, so it’s crucial to be able to pivot quickly as opposed to sticking with a sinking ship. It’s not to say you should just abandon your idea immediately, but be open and ready to make changes as feedback, perspectives, or the market changes. Starting your own venture is difficult and sometimes lonely – there’s really no perfect guide on what to do. But trust that if you keep trying, things will eventually work out. And of course, never forget your purpose and why you started!

Who or what inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

I’d say I’m inspired by a desire to have an impact on the issues I care about and have found my way of doing that through building products and creating ventures to help solve them one increment of improvement at a time. I’d also have to give big credit to my Dad who instilled in me the values of entrepreneurship and always motivated me to do something bigger than myself.

What have been 1-2 of your proudest moments in creating your business?

One of my proudest moments was pitching and winning 1st place at the 2023 Sell Your Impact Pitch Competition. In that moment, it wasn’t the $1,000 check in my hands that mattered to me – it was receiving so much love and support from the SELL community, getting to pitch a project that I’ve put a year’s work into, and watching people believe in me and my idea.

What’s the best advice you have received along your journey?

When you keep users at the forefront and focus on solving a problem that people want solved, you’ll never lose.

What’s a fun fact about you?

My first try at entrepreneurship was co-founding a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to teach public speaking to students during COVID-19 when I was 15!


About The Author:

Sahana Raj '26

Founder of Energy Umbrella

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