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If you can see HER, you can be HER - Q&A with the founder of Encore Lit

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

How did you come up with the idea for your business?

Throughout the pandemic, I watched the liveliness of the entertainment industry plummet and I wondered if there was a way to change it. Where did this deterioration start? I observed the financial behaviors and the ingrained mindset beliefs from entertainers of all ages. There’s a stigma around intelligence and the performing arts. Dancers are always told they only need to count to 5, 6, 7, 8 and I wanted to change that. Encore Lit was created to provide an online platform that provides the education for entertainers to be able to perform more of what they love with the financial awareness and education to make it a viable career.

What does the average day look like for you now as an entrepreneur (especially compared to past jobs/days)?

It’s different every day. As a full time student, full-time employee, freelance performer and an extroverted personality, my day consists of accomplishing many different tasks.

What are some of the top things you have learned so far?

  • There’s never going to be a “right” time. Take the leap of faith.

  • People genuinely want to help you. Let them 😇

  • Everything I experienced and learned in life, led me to these moments.

  • Your dreams aren’t crazy. You just need to remember who you’re talking to.

  • Lean into the entrepreneur spirit, you never know where it will take you.

  • Just because it doesn’t exist now, doesn’t mean you can’t pave a pathway for it to exist in the future.

Who or what inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

There are so many answers I could provide for this question. However, the truth is, I never set out to be an ‘entrepreneur’. I just continued to say “yes” to opportunities that came my way. My curious nature paired with my empathetic nature, led me to this very spot. I think deep down I always knew I wanted to run multiple companies, how I envisioned it as producing my own shows. Over time, I learnt that being an entrepreneur is being someone who is curious, who can help others and understands how to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together with the help of a team. When I realized it wasn’t this scary venture, but one filled with adventure, problem-solving and the ability to help the world, I couldn’t say no.

I am inspired by the world around me. I am so blessed to have so many incredible role models in my life and people I can look up to, turn to for advice and inspire me to think outside the box.

What have been 1-2 of your proudest moments in creating your business?

  • Hearing the positive validation from my targeted audience and Professor Jan Ryan to know that this idea I had was bigger than myself, and was a multi-faceted issue that really needed solving.

  • Speaking about my entrepreneurial journey at the Slush’d Wellington event and receiving such positive feedback and being able to hear how many people have been inspired by my journey.

What’s the best advice you have received along your journey?

  • It depends”. Don’t get stuck in how things were previously done. There is structure, but remember you’ve got to be adaptable to the needs of the task you are serving.

  • Major on the majors and minor on the minors”.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I have had 3 organs surgically removed.


About The Author:

Josephine Bonnington-Mailisi '23

Founder of Encore Lit

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