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If you can see HER, you can be HER - Q&A with the founder of Get In The Path

How did you come up with the idea for your business?

I grew up in a small town in Nebraska for the majority of my life. I realized that there were a lot of students with potential and I wanted to empower them. My idea was inspired by my 6th grade math class. I had a teacher that helped me learn math and encouraged me to succeed. Within that year, my confidence soared and I started to believe in myself. I learned how the right educational environment can change someone's life. I specifically want to focus on empowering rural students who may feel unconfident in themselves and provide them the resources and framework to succeed. I want them to be able to look at themselves and say “I believe in who I am”.

What does the average day look like for you now as an entrepreneur (especially compared to past jobs/days)?

Over the summer, I spent most of my days iterating the design and content of the website. I would experiment with new AI tools that could help me make the site more engaging and fun. I would typically spend six hours a day iterating and making the site the best it can be.

Now that school has started, I typically get to campus early in the morning. I attend classes and work on my business between classes. During this time, I typically reach out to people regarding my business and/or research funding opportunities. I also use the weekends to work on my startup and come up with new ideas for it.

What are some of the top things you have learned so far?

  1. Time management is very important. I try to balance schoolwork, classes and business work throughout the day. I want to make sure I spend at least an hour on my business during school days. This can either be working on the business or ideating. I usually allocate an hour within my day to work on it.

  2. Not overthinking is another key lesson I learned. Oftentimes it is easy to sit with a certain decision or we may be afraid of putting ourselves out there. The truth is that we may never know unless we try. It is good to think about decisions, but it is more important to notice when we are overthinking.

  3. Believing in yourself. You are the driver of your life and your business. Whatever direction you want your business to go in is decided by you. I always go back to my passion for helping others and I realize that I can’t help people without believing in myself and my idea.

Who or what inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

For a long time, I was very unsure about what I wanted to do. I knew deep inside that I loved to create. I spent all of high school creating new innovations to solve global problems. As I entered college, I realized that I wanted to reflect more on myself. I knew that I wanted to keep helping others through what I create. This drew me into entrepreneurship. The freedom to create whatever you want and inspire others along the way. I love entrepreneurship and I hope to keep innovating for the rest of my life.

What have been 1-2 of your proudest moments in creating your business?

One of the proudest moments in creating my business was when I was talking to librarians in Missouri about my idea. Their feedback gave me the idea and inspiration to keep going in my business.

Getting into the KS WELI FoundHER program was one of my proudest moments. I thought I wanted to be an entrepreneur and once I had gotten into the program I knew for sure that this is the direction I want to go in.

What’s the best advice you have received along your journey?

The best advice I received was to keep going. Oftentimes as entrepreneurs, it is easy to feel like giving up. Some days may be harder than others and it is important not to let that define whether or not you continue your business. If you are passionate about what you do, it is always worth it to see how far it can take you. The little roadblocks on the way should not stop your journey.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I love to sing and I am currently taking Hindustani music lessons. I have performed at several UT events. I have also performed at events in my hometown. It brings me joy and is a major part of who I am.


About The Author:

Arya Eledath '25

Founder of Get In The Path

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